Choices Anna Di Pede

anna-residentA former senior marketing executive, Anna Di Pede is the hidden force behind Yasodhara Ashram’s newsletter, events, publicity and communication. In 2011, ten months out of chemotherapy for her third cancer recurrence, Anna came to the Ashram for the 10 Days of Yoga looking for answers, meaning and healing. She signed on for the YDC 2012 and has been here ever since.

My doctor recently said to me, “Look how well you are doing, Anna! It’s the choices you are making.” One of my choices is seeing from the Light instead of the darkness, which allows me to leave behind old negative stories. With growing awareness, I’m learning to accept and integrate everything I’ve experienced. And when I can relax, everything around me cooperates.

I am also learning to trust my intuitive feelings and how I’ve been guided. My ideas come from that intuitive place. My communication work is to create awareness of the Ashram, and I look for ways to make it happen. I am always listening, distilling ideas and asking how we can share them beyond the Ashram. I weave ideas together and make connections and it becomes a story. I really like stories – creating them, reading them, listening to other people’s stories. I love what I do and am committed to it. If it helps people find their way here to this place of Light, I feel real satisfaction, a sense that “All is well, all is good.”

I see that the teachings are communication. I respect the power of words. I know that words can bind, create, heal. I’m changing my own story and healing. The last line in The Devi of Speech, “Life is not to be rejected, but to be transformed” somehow captures the essence for me.


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