“Renewing in the Light” ” is the theme for March 2014


Swami Radha celebrated her 84th birthday with a gathering to talk about her life. Looking back, she speaks about the sacrifices that are required to find the Light within; not only does she not regret her choices, she celebrates them.


Swami Radha encourages us to make the effort to deepen our relationship to the Light and the Divine Light Invocation practice. She offers practical guidance and entices us with the possibility of living more fully as beings of Light.


  1. What thoughts arise as you reflect on the light renewing and expanding as we move toward spring? Observe the subtle changes each day. How does this additional light affect you and the world around you?
  2. Do a Sun Salutation to greet the morning, repeating the Divine Light mantra. You can also take one line of the mantra through the Sun Salutation and begin to understand the message for yourself throughout the month.
  3. Explore the Cobra pose to find renewal. “The cobra has to continually shed its skin in order to grow. How can I shed my old skin? How will I renew myself?” (Hidden Language Hatha Yoga, p 149)
  4. Choose a Light meditation to carry you through the month or do one for each week. There are many options in Kundalini Yoga for the West. Here’s one possibility – Filling your body with Light (p. 116).

    Sit in a meditation posture, cross-legged, or with your ankles crossed. Rest your hands, palms up, on your lap. Focus your eyes on the space between your eyebrows. Try to think of yourself without the body or face; in other words, avoid the familiar reflection seen in the mirror. Visualize your body as empty or hollow like a glass bottle. See a small stream of white light (the size of a thread) flowing down the center of this glass form, filling the feet, legs, trunk, arms, neck and head. Soon you cannot distinguish detailed limbs. This form that you call your body is now a mass of Light. Hold this image (a mass of Light in the shape of your body) as long as possible.

  5. Start a practice of ten Divine Light Invocations a day for forty days.
  6. How can we know something as subtle as Divine Light? Observe images of light throughout your day. Have a dialogue with the Light and write it out. Notice and reflect on how often you use the word “light,” and connect it back to Divine Light. Take photographs of light shining and sparkling on leaves, flowers, water, snow. Or write a poem or make a collage inspired by your images of light. Make a beautiful badge with the word “Light” on it, and notice the responses you receive when you wear it. Or create your own dance or song of Light.
  7. Follow Swami Radha’s advice from her Last Message (see “Memorial Ascent, 1996” or Glimpses of a Mystical Affair).”Finally, don’t take yourself and the world too seriously. Rather, think that one day you will join in the Krishna Lila, in the great circle dance. And keep the Light going. The Light will give you understanding and insights. But it will also help you to discover your own divinity and the source of Light within yourself. From here on that is your duty, your first and most important duty.”

    Find ways of not taking yourself too seriously or taking yourself “lightly.” Notice the effect. See moments of lightness during your day and give thanks.



Please join the discussion and share your experience with other Yasodhara Yoga Teachers on the Yasodhara Teachers Network.


Generate positive vibrations through sacred song and dance. Join our first Bhajan Blast of the year on Sunday, March 16th, 7-8:30 pm, Pacific Time. We will also be offering a dance to Saraswati. Wherever you are, let’s connect!

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