“Selfless Service” is the theme for October 2013


Swami Radhananda questions the meaning of service, work and offering. In the context of the Divine Mother Prayer, she also explores the immense power of speech and how we use it.


What is selfless service? What is pure work? Swami Radha offers her understanding of Karma Yoga as the opportunity to be a handmaiden of Divine Mother. You can listen to it here:



At the Ashram we will be exploring Selfless Service through our daily work and reflections, as well as through special Karma Yoga classes and community-based projects.

  1. What are your associations with the word “service?” What about “selfless?” What is “selfless service” and how can you put it into action? What do you have to give?
  2. What brings joy to your work – whether it is your career or a daily task or favorite project? How does your attitude influence the environment around you?
  3. Can you do something you love and offer it in service? Can you do something challenging and offer it in service? What do you learn in each situation?
  4. Gurudev Sivananda said to Swami Radha, “Selfless service will make you Divine.” What would that mean? What effect has selfless service had in your life?
  5. We celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving this month. What is the relationship between gratitude and Karma Yoga?
  6. Take a line from the Divine Mother prayer and repeat it while you are working. For example, “May all actions of my hands be mudra,” or “May everything I do be taken as Thy worship,” or “May all my speech and idle talk be mantra.” Write your observations.
  7. If something is important to you, how do you pass it along to someone else? What is the effect of invisible giving – such as doing the Light for someone, chanting mantra, praying for those on your prayer list, offering your classes as Karma Yoga?
  8. Take a day to give without expectation of return – that means without eliciting gratitude or praise or desiring attention. Attempt to be neutral about any criticism you may receive. How is this liberating?
  9. Is there a cause you feel strongly about? Can you make activism into selfless service by offering the best from your heart and renouncing results?
  10. Gather a group and find work needed in your community; then do it together. You could stage it as a “flash mob” – showing up with the needed tools and taking action. Bring smart phones and send the video to us for posting – you could inspire others!


As part of this month’s theme, we invite active teachers to log into the Yasodhara Teachers Network (YTN), navigate to the Teaching & Learning forum, and join the October – Selfless Service discussion. Share your ideas, your experience, and read about how other teachers are exploring Selfless Service in their daily lives and classes.


October’s dance is Tirisiran Giriyan – a Song of Lord Siva, choreographed by Meera Grimes. Tune in to our Bhajan Blast on Sunday,October 20th , 7 – 8 pm Pacific Time to watch the dance.


Generate positive vibrations through sacred song and dance. Join our tenth Bhajan Blast of the year on Sunday, October 20th from 7 – 8 pm Pacific Time. Wherever you are, let’s connect!


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(PS: November’s theme will be “Study” Stay tuned!)



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