Join us in Celebrating our 50th Anniversary!


August marks our 50th Anniversary Celebrations. Whether you are at the Ashram or in our extended community, join us in celebrating!


“Celebration” is the theme for August 2013.


In this video Swami Radhananda invites us to feel the vibration of spiritual practice associated with the Ashram’s long history, and to reflect on our journey here – literally and symbolically.


In this audio excerpt Swami Radha asks, Where are all the Radhas? She assures us that when we approach the Divine, we incorporate all that is human in ourselves.


  1. Ask, What is a celebration? How can I honour the Ashram’s 50 years? Follow through with your ideas; we’d love to hear what you are doing!
  2. Gather with like-minded friends in a beautiful place to talk about what the Ashram means to you, what you’ve learned, how you see yourself taking your next step
  3. What is your commitment? Offer it back to this lineage in a puja or ceremony alone or with others
  4. Create art, poetry or stories as a reminder of this special time. Make garlands or flower offerings for your altar and images. Do likhita japa in celebration.
  5. Ask yourself, What can I give back? Find ways to put your dedication into action.
  6. Ask, How has the Ashram flourished for 50 years? What is the essence? What keeps my spiritual life alive? What is my essence?
  7. Reflect on your own personal victories. How can you honour and remember your victories through celebration or ceremony? How can you express your gratitude?
  8. What victories did your community feel happy about this year? Come together to celebrate in whatever way feels right to your group.


  • Send in a 30 Second Video describing a special moment for you at the Ashram. We will be collating all of our faces and moments into a panoramic Ashram 50th Anniversary video “card.” Here are some instructions and an example to get you started – it’s quite simple! (Please send in your video message/photo card by Monday, August 12. Thank you!)
  • Tune in to the Ashram’s 50th Anniversary Gala Saturday, August 10 starting at 7:30 pm – streaming live from the new stage under the chestnut tree. The Gala will include bhajans and dances – this month’s celebratory Bhajan Blast!
  • Donate – Many of you are already generous Ashram donors. Thank you! Click here to join the Circle of Sustainability to start monthly donations or to give to our special 50th Anniversary Fund. Help us sustain the Ashram into the future!


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