“Resilience” is the theme for May 2013


In this talk, “Challenge to Change,” which was filmed following 911, Swami Radhananda encourages us to start with ourselves to bring peace to the world.


Swami Radha says yoga can be a do-it-yourself (DIY) path to Liberation.

You can listen to it here:


May is the month we plant seeds into warming soil and transplant seedlings from greenhouse to field. At the Ashram we welcome old friends and new into courses and retreats. We also repair, clean, garden and prepare for the busy season. This year we are asking, What has kept the Ashram resilient for 50 years and what can keep it thriving for the next 50?

Here are some ideas for projects, personal reflections and teaching.

  • What happens if you take a DIY and DIN (do-it-now) attitude to those small things you would ordinarily ignore or tolerate? It can be as simple as fixing that crooked shelf, buying a new toothbrush, or taking time to release tension that leads to pain. In yogic terms we move from tamas (inertia) through rajas (action), which can lead us to a sattvic (pure) mental state. Do a “fix-it” job each week and observe the effect.
  • Make a list of emotions and their opposites. Find ways to change negative emotions into positive. For example change gloom to cheerfulness by singing a happy tune, going for a walk or imagining a beautiful garden. (See more examples in Kundalini Yoga for the West, page 153.)
  • Here is a recipe for “seed bombs” used in guerilla gardening. Gather clay, starting mix and some seeds such as beans, sunflowers, cosmos, calendula, nasturtiums or native wildflowers. Mix all together, add water, form into balls. Find a place that is calling for flowers—an empty lot or bare spot needing beauty—toss them in and pray for blooms!
  • Go for a walk looking for the Divine in everyday life. Can you see your world differently? Collect “found art” that evokes Divine Mother for you, or use whatever material you find to create art that reminds you that She is everywhere.
  • When you do a Hatha Yoga pose observe whether there are parts of your body that are neglected. Find ways to give extra attention to the neglected areas through Light, massage, movement, awareness. What is the result? You can also listen to the “Body as a Garden” CD by Swami Radha for inspiration.
  • Where have you been resilient in your life? Draw three examples. Can you see patterns to learn from? What helps you rebound?



In May we will practice two dances—¬the Mandala Dance, choreographed by Swami Radhakrishnanda and the Second Cakra of the Kundalini mantras dance by Swami Yasodananda. Tune in to our Bhajan Blast on May 26, 7-8 pm Pacific Time to watch the dances.



Generate positive vibrations though sacred song and dance. Join our fifth bhajan blast of the year on Sunday, May 26, from 7-8 pm Pacific Time. Wherever you are, let’s connect!


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(PS: June’s theme is “Liberation.” Stay tuned!)



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