“Renunciation” is the theme for February 2013


For our video section this month, Swami Radhananda speaks about ‘tapas’, which means ‘heat’. “You know what you want to go towards, and so you say, I am going to put the heat on. I am going to put the heat on myself so that I don’t keep doing that – so that I have a reminder.” Swami Radhananda gives us reflection questions and encourages us to reach for our highest ideals, one day at a time.


In this archival audio clip, Swami Radha tells a short story that goes to the heart of renunciation – taming the need for recognition so that the Light can express itself through us.

You can listen to it here:


February 2nd is the anniversary of Swami Radha’s sanyas day so we’ve dedicated the month to exploring renunciation. What does ‘renunciation’ mean in your life? Where do you see examples of letting go of attachments in your work, your relationships, your interior life?

In the Preface to On Sanyas, Swami Radhananda says:

I understand that there is more to renunciation than letting go of things. It is a commitment to facing life and moving forward. It’s a practice of compassion in a time when terrible things are happening in the world. It’s a vow to look to each other and live a life that overcomes emotional turmoil and fear, creating a solid foundation to work with and to bring into the world.

Here are some examples of teaching ideas for February, which we will be working with in our weekly reflection classes. You’re welcome to try them out for yourself or with friends.


  1. Tapas – Swami Radhananda, in this month’s video, describes tapas as a way to “burn habits away.” What habits would you like to burn away? Choose one and decide on a tapas that would help you. Do it for the whole month. Keep notes to record your learning and check in weekly, with reflections.
  2. Relaxation (Surrender) – Physical relaxation is a way into your own experience of surrender and letting go. Practice Savasana, observe the effects, and reflect on what it means to surrender. As relaxation deepens, what do you renounce or let go of? How can renunciation lighten your life?
  3. Selfless Service – How do you lift up your actions and bring Light into your work and relationships? What has to be let go? How is Karma Yoga related to renunciation? Identify an ideal you want to take into your week and observe the effect on your mind, body and the world around you.
  4. Gita, 18th Discourse – Read the 18th discourse of the Bhagavad Gita; or check Swami Radha’s commentary in On Sanyas. (p. 87-104) What is your real work and how do you make it an offering? Are there desires or concepts that need to be sacrificed? Stand in Tadasana and ask: What is my heart’s desire and how can I keep it alive? Create a devotional ritual to support your ideal. What is the effect on your body, speech and mind?

A wonderful resource for exploring this month’s theme is Swami Radha’s book, On Sanyas.




The dance we will be practicing this month is Hare Siva Sankara (one-half hour after lunch on Tuesdays and Fridays). It’s a great way to get in touch with renunciation as you practice your Siva Nature. Join the Bhajan Blast Saturday, February 23rd at 7:00 pm (Mountain Time: UTC – 6 hours) for a preview of this dynamic dance.



Tune in on Saturday, February 23rd at 7:00 pm (Mountain Time: UTC – 6 hours) for live streaming of our Bhajan Blast. Join us in singing from the heart.


Back to Teaching Themes

(PS: March’s theme is “Devotion.” Stay tuned!)


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