
Join us here for all our latest happenings at the Ashram, art and more. Be inspired by our blog and podcast where we reflect deeply into issues of the day and give voice to others’ stories and insights.

Recipes From the Ashram Kitchen
Red Lentil Paté A popular Ashram staple. This is a fun recipe to decorate with summer herbs and flowers, for added nutrients and for visual appeal! Ingredients 1/4 cup olive oil 2 Tbsp sunflower seeds, or whatever you want to … Read more » Read more »

Tales From the Garden
Blueberry harvest is in full swing. Karma Yogis and residents get up early to carefully pick each berry. Raspberries are also ripening nicely and continue to be picked and served to the community! Each berry will tell you when it’s … Read more » Read more »

Co-Stewardship at the Ashram
So many people love the Ashram and want this centre of Light to thrive far into the future. Now that the core group of Ashram residents and swamis are in our 60s, 70s and almost 80s (!), we are inviting … Read more » Read more »

Planting Peace: Relaxation and Personal Blossoming
I recently went through the process of researching, planning and planting an Indigenous plant garden. Read more »

Lifting to the Light: Notes from an Artist’s Journey
Setting out quietly, often at dusk, basking in the companionship of the horse, in the serene magnificence of the land. Young girl, riding horseback, alone. Saskatchewan family farm. The transition of twilight touching so deeply, bringing solace, bringing the mystery close. Read more »

Following Crane: The Gift of Stillness in My Day
A few years ago I was given a beautiful Japanese tapestry with white cranes flowing throughout it, their wings spread wide. For me these cranes have come to symbolize messengers who fly between the worlds—the world of dreams and the world of everyday life. Read more »

Podcast #15 My Time With Radha
In this episode of My Time with Radha, Katie Taher engages in a conversation with Draupadi, a devoted follower of Swami Radha. They explore the power of curiosity and the strength found in embracing life with an open mind. Read more »

The Wisdom of Insecurity: The Space Between Two Worlds
In 2017, I was in Portland when I experienced fall for the first time. I remember sitting by the window of a cafe, looking at a tree perched on what seemed like a sea of golden leaves. With every breeze the leaves would break... Read more »

Podcast #12 Prakasha on Light, Yoga & Science
In this episode of My Time with Radha, Katie Taher speaks with Prakasha, a longtime devotee of Swami Radha. He intersects science and spirituality as they explore the theme of Light. Read more »

Baby Girl and the Heartstone
Before you begin reading, will you pause to look around? Let your head and neck turn from side to side, and notice where you are - the colors, the shapes, the shadows. Give your body time to find and feel … Read more » Read more »

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