Join Us Virtually
Visit our online satsangs. Connect with our spiritual community as we offer bhajans, mantras and inspirational talks from The Temple of Light.
In Sanskrit, Sat = true, sanga = company, satsang is often translated as ‘in the company of the wise.’
Be sure to check out our other online resources!

Bridging Heaven and Earth with Swami Samayananda
In this satsang, Swami Samayanda explores how in times of hopelessness we can find that transition from darkness to light when we understand how to

Giving Back to Life with Swami Jyotihananda
In this satsang, Swami Jyotihananda honors Swami Radha and the teachings by reflecting on giving back. Swami Radha would continuously say, “We have to give

Stay Together, Love Each Other
In November, the European Yasodhara Yoga Network held a weekend of satsangs, Hidden Language Hatha Yoga and reflection sessions as well as the Annual General
Symbolism and Ritual at Satsang
A central flame sits on the altar in the Temple as a reminder of the Light in each of us and in all forms of the Divine.
Aarti is an ancient ritual honouring the Divine. A single light, or collection of lights is blessed at the altar, then brought to each person, and is symbolic of the purification of the mind and senses.
Mantra is chanted or recited for about 15-20 minutes at each satsang for the Prayer List. Common mantras are include Hari Om, Om Namah Sivaya, Om Tara Tutare and OM.
Bhajans are devotional songs that are interspersed throughout satsang. Some bhajans are in English, others are in Hindi or Sanskrit. A songbook provides the lyrics to all the songs.
Prasad is a sweet brought to each person at the end of satsang symbolizing the sweetness of the yogic teachings. Hold the prasad in your hand until everyone has received it. We say a prayer together before eating it.
Prayer List
The Ashram Prayer List is an important spiritual support and is open to anyone. Each evening at Satsang, Ashram residents chant healing mantras for those on the list. Please contact us ( to place your friends, family or yourself on the Prayer List. Names remain on the Prayer List for 3 months and can be renewed at that time. We ask that you request permission from those you wish to put on the Prayer List. You can also include names of people who have passed.