I experienced Swami Radhananda as a woman of few words, but her words had a powerful impact on me. At the end of a YDC or teacher certification course she always asked; “What did you learn?” Much to my surprise a succinct answer always came to me. That was the power of her words and of her presence. I was often struck by Swami Radhananda’s eyes. They spoke of kindness, gentleness, caring and devotion, often accompanied by a sparkle of playfulness and a pure joy of life. My deepest sense of connection to Swami Radhananda is through her books, especially Living the Practice. I will be forever grateful for her wisdom and insights and the way she conveyed Swami Radha’s teachings through her own life experiences, explorations and learning. Living the Practice has become both a grounding force and a guiding star for me. It gives me courage and hope and in this way Swami Radhananda will always be with me.
Carol Putnam