Swami Radhananda was one of my first Hidden Language teachers. I remember a class focused on Sun Salutations; she read a children’s story about honouring the sun. It was simple, beautiful, inspiring. Doing sun salutations became an act of reverence to the Light. I also remember another time when she read excerpts of Winnie the Pooh with much playfulness. She went to such places of inspiration and would then hold the container for others. For myself, within that container, I touched places of Light, love and beauty within me that I did not know existed before. I also appreciate that she introduced karma yoga into the classes that were taught so that the Teachings came alive in a whole other way – a practical way and I learned so much on so many levels – stretching, growing – digging ditches, working with concrete, roofing assistant … What I remember today is her Brilliance – her Light, her dedication and Love for the Teachings. And the Ashram thrived and thrives on. Thank you Swami Radhananda.
Michelle Blance