Tales From the Garden

Blueberry harvest is in full swing. Karma Yogis and residents get up early to carefully pick each berry. Raspberries are also ripening nicely and continue to be picked and served to the community! Each berry will tell you when it’s ready, you just have to be open and listen. This time of the year is important for our winter supply of berries for breakfast.

Other exciting news, the garden is in its “second spring push” as we plant all of our storage crops. Our goal is to fill our root cellar as much as we can. We have crops of parsnips, carrots, beets, leeks and kale.

As a team our focus is on harvesting the abundance of vegetables and fruit as well as preparing ourselves for winter. As a food flow team with meticulous planning we were able to double our amount of storage crops planted. Even though it is in the middle of the season, our minds are already in the fall wondering how much arugula can we grow? Should we do more turnips? Working in close collaboration with our head chef Steve, we strive to serve the community as best we can.

Specifically eye catching beauty in the garden is the yellow fin zucchini. Bright and vibrant, growing so fast. Overnight we had a fresh crop of zucchini to harvest!

Our orchard has yielded 35 kg of cherries, although this year’s crop was less fruitful than anticipated

A long awaited victory for the Ashram is our freshly harvested garlic. Years ago we grew large quantities of garlic, but one year there was a bacterial infection that affected our crop of garlic. Years later, we decided to give it another try. Planting in the same spot to ensure the bacteria is not present anymore. Last week we harvested all the garlic and it was healthy and disease free! Everyone is excited to continue growing the garlic succession for years to come.
We have four bee hives currently. Beatrix, Dharma, Magnolia and Pearl. Everyone is happy and working hard to prepare for the winter. We expanded the bee yard this year to include a new hive and give more working space to our bee team. We’re all looking forward to supporting the hives to prepare for the winter season ahead.


One of our apple trees is ready for picking and currents are also being harvested.

As always, the dedication and hard work of our community are invaluable in maintaining and nurturing our garden and orchard.


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