Kundalini Reflection Questions

The 2017 Kundalini and Dreams Teacher Certification took place last month.

Members of the group created questions from their own reflections as they worked through each chakra.

Reflect along with the group. Find out more in Swami Radha’s book Kundalini Yoga for the West.


First Chakra

In relation to your life, what is emerging? What is coming to an end?
How can you balance too much talk with not enough talk?
Life is precious. What would it mean for you if you had reverence for all life?
Which key thoughts lead you to your goal?
What seeds do you want to sow today to harvest tomorrow?
What in you needs to die so you can be reborn into the Light?
What is the power behind your urge to talk?











Second Chakra

How do you reflect the Light?
Where does your sense of taste come from? Can you cultivate it?
How did speech touch your inner world today?
When you become aware of something you want to change in yourself, what happens (in your thoughts, emotions and imagination)?
What lies deep within that is asking for the Light of understanding?
Can you stay in the present moment?
How do you create quiet space within to listen intuitively to the still, small voice of Truth?









Third Chakra

Look at a situation from your day asking: What is the Divine asking of me in this situation?
What Yasodhara spiritual practices can you go to when strong emotions arise?
How does movement help move through emotion?
What tools do you have for 

transforming negative emotions into positive emotions, and how will you remember in the ‘heat of the moment’?
Do you only see what you want to see?
Do you see your choices?
What do you worship?










Fourth Chakra

What can you learn from your sense of touch today?
How do feelings of gratitude and humility affect your thoughts, words, feelings and actions?
What does ‘I am surrounded by Divine Light’ mean in your life?
How can you serve Divine Mother with humility today?
How can you bring humility and gratitude alive in your heart?
Reflect on your connection to the earth, the sky and the sun and how you are sustained by life.
What touches your heart?










Fifth Chakra

What do you hear after mantra chanting?
If you were gifted a day of silence to intently listen, how would you approach it?
What happens when you listen to Divine Mother?
If you quiet your mind, what wisdom will approach in the silence?
How do the sounds you utter, verbally or mentally, bathe your mind?
What is the target that you need for your life now?
How do you listen to yourself or others?











Sixth Chakra

What mental attitude needs to be adopted in pursuit of your goal?
What are your mind’s habits?
What happens when you put your mind in the Divine Light Invocation?
How can you come to understand the power of your mind?
Take a 10 minute section of time and watch your mind. What did you learn?
How did your mind create your day?
What do you want to hold in your mind?

















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