Stepping Forward

Karen Squires came to Yasodhara Ashram in June 2014. She has taken the Yoga Development Course and all teacher certifications and managed the Hospitality Department. Now at the end of her nearly three-year stay, Karen reflects on her process.

My intuition led me to the Ashram at a time when I didn’t know what the next step could be, but I knew I had to immerse myself in yoga. Originally my intention for being here was healing, and then I realized it was about joy and wholeness. In one early workshop I reflected on how I felt like a star that had exploded into different pieces and I needed to bring them all back together.

I can feel that wholeness now — I’ve grown up or become wiser. Part of that wisdom is acceptance of what happens in life. When I first came here I had the illusion that when you choose a spiritual path everything will be light and lovely and wonderful. My father passed away at the beginning of the year and I’ve found there’s a tremendous gift when I access my sense of faith within the process of dipping up and down with life’s waves.

I look back at the steps that brought me here and the changes I’ve made. They weren’t easy and I felt like I was being pushed into the void, but I just knew it was what I needed. Even if it feels hard, I understand how important it is to muster up the courage to follow my intuitive voice.

I’m in such a place of awe and gratitude to the residents and swamis. If they hadn’t taken their steps and kept their promises, this space wouldn’t have been here for me when I needed it.

Seeing people discover how life-changing the Ashram can be is like witnessing a miracle, and part of that is knowing there are teachers all over the world introducing people to Yasodhara Yoga. Having a role in that web of interconnection is really beautiful.


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