Being Myself

linda-funkLinda Funk will be leaving the Ashram at the end of April after two fulfilling years. Known for her welcoming presence in the Ashram Bookstore and her talent for design, colour and sewing, Linda is taking with her a new approach to life.

The most important thing I’ve learned is to value myself. I don’t have to do anything to win that – just be myself. At the same time, I discovered that all my skills are helpful and appreciated here. This is so empowering and fulfilling.

I found a sense of community here. I love the vibrancy; I love being able to contribute. I recognize a deeper level too – my connection with the Divine.

It’s quite remarkable that I’ve learned some very practical things about setting up my life – keep things simple; let passion and joy direct my actions from a place of service; allow life to unfold; have compassion and humor. I’m down to what’s most important to me – to the essence. A stone mandala I built on the beach came to symbolize this process for me.

I will always be grateful to Swami Radha because she was a practical, realistic woman. That’s interwoven in all of the teachings.


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